The Safety Division operates according to advanced methodologies deriving from the application of latest generation organizational models, which make it possible to mitigate risks by working simultaneously on technical (workplaces and plants), procedural (organization of work and “how to do it”) factors and psychological (active involvement of all workers and behavioral approach).
We are also specialized in CE marking processes for machines and systems; we conduct feasibility studies for the adaptation of machinery and systems to the current product standards (Machinery Directive, PED, EMC, BT, etc.), we prepare the technical file for single machines and groupings, reaching the issue of the declaration of conformity which certifies the conclusion of the certification process.
We implement and maintain management systems for safety in the workplace in compliance with the ISO 45001: 2018 standard; we also conduct internal and second-party audits at the request of customers, as well as support them in the activities planned for the annual management review and participate in certification and surveillance audits by certification bodies.
We provide assistance to companies in the event of an accident, carrying out technical expert reports and taking on the role of party expert for criminal proceedings. We have been consultants and part experts of the Court of Padua for over 15 years.
Below is a list of the main services offered by the Occupational Safety Division.
Implementation and maintenance of ISO 45001: 2018 Safety Management Systems;
Management of obligations for Safety and Health at Work and in Construction Sites (Legislative Decree 81/08), for example:
- Check-up Consolidated Work Safety – analysis of the company situation with respect to compliance with the legislation for the prevention of accidents at work, the management of contracts and maintenance. Identification of technical, managerial, operational and training interventions appropriate to the company reality. Illustration of the changes to the recently introduced legislation (Legislative Decree 81/08);
- Assumption of R.S.P.P. external;
- Assistance to the R.S.P.P. internal;
- Elaboration of the operational procedure for the management of tenders and preparation of the procurement management system;
- Analysis of the operational situation and drafting of the Risk Assessment Document pursuant to art. 17 c.1 Legislative Decree 81/08;
- Analysis and preparation of the Single Document Interference Risk Assessment (DUVRI) – art. 26 Legislative Decree 81/08;
- Specialist assessments, surveys / measurements and drafting of technical documentation:
* ATEX – explosion;
* electrical risk;
* fire risk;
* chemical risk;
* noise risk;
* risk of vibrations;
* risk of manual handling of loads;
* risk of artificial optical radiation;
* risk of electromagnetic fields;
* microclimate risk;
* risk from repetitive movements;
* risks related to the use of machines and equipment. - Implementation of work safety management systems (ISO 45001: 2018) and assistance for certification and maintenance (internal audit, management review);
- Drafting of operating procedures;
- Assumption of the safety coordinator in the design and execution phase;
Drafting of the Safety and Coordination Plan (PSC); - Drafting of the Operational Safety Plan (POS) and the Scaffolding Assembly-Use-Disassembly Plan (Pi.M.U.S.);
- Analysis of the system of proxies on safety;
- Technical appraisals in the field of safety and health at work and on construction sites;
Management of requirements for Safety and Health in the Maritime and Port area;
- Consultancy and planning regarding safety in shipyards, for work in the port area and on board fishing vessels (DD. Lgs. 271/99, 272/99 and 298/99);
Management of adaptation and certification projects according to the Machinery Directive (2006/42 / EC) – CE marking;
- Conformity analysis of machines / equipment / plants to the applicable safety legislation and planning of compliance interventions with elaboration of the intervention project and cost estimate;
- Drafting of technical documentation necessary for CE marking (user and maintenance manual, technical file, PED report, …);
Dangerous Goods Management (ADR).
- Assumption of the position of Consultant for Road Transport of Dangerous Goods (ADR);
- Manual drafting of safety procedures for the transport of dangerous goods;
- Compliance audit with specific legislation (ADR – IMDG – IATA and Multimodal);
- Drafting of the annual report (ADR);
- Consultancy for the management of transport with particular problems and optimization of safety in the transport of dangerous goods (ADR – IMDG – IATA and Multimodal).